List of Feeling Words: Level 2

This article was written by Lawrence Kaufman (L.M.F.T), 561-302-0568
(Note: This list and the four other lists in this series of words will be revised several times each year. So, you may want to bookmark this page for future reference.)
Below are some of the most commonly used words (and phrases [not just a single word]) that my clients have used to express (or begin to express) their feelings, and to describe the feelings that they view others as having. This list can be used to help people in counseling and psychotherapy (and those who are not) more accurately and skillfully identify and name/ label their feelings (or words closely related to feelings), and to clearly, verbally communicate and express their inner feelings, experiences, and perceptions, to others they are close to.
You can add additional feeling related words to this list as you become aware of them in your daily life. You can also delete words from this list and then add them to another list in this series. For example, you can switch the word “abandoned” from the Level 1 list to the Level 2 list. You can also switch a word from the Level 2 list to the Level 1 list if you find this better matches your unique experience.
In addition, you can conveniently and easily print out these entire lists and email them (if you choose) to any email address you would like to send them to. (Just click on the “Print This” icon at the end of each list.) I wish you well in your lifelong journey towards beneficially increasing your emotional skill level and literacy! Your feedback on these lists is most welcome.
List of somewhat commonly used words that express feelings (directly or indirectly)
(This is the second list in a series of five increasingly challenging vocabulary lists.)
Updated on 3/25/20
A | ||||
able | acceptable | adequate | adorable | adored |
adventurous | aggravated | agitated | agreeable | alarmed |
all right | apologetic | appealing | appreciative | approved of |
aroused | arrogant | artistic | assaulted | assured |
astounded | at ease | attached | aware | awesome |
B | ||||
battered | beat | behind | belittled | below average |
bereaved | bitter | blah | blasted | blissful |
blue | blunt | bold | bossed around | bright |
brilliant | broken down | bruised | brutal | bubbly |
burdened | ||||
C | ||||
caged in | carefree | charitable | cheap | cheated on |
childish | chilled | clear | cocky | codependent |
coerced | combative | comforted | comical | compassionate |
competitive | compliant | complimented | conceited | concentrating |
condemned | conflicted | confronted | connected | conned |
conservative | considerate | consistent | constructive | contagious |
contented | contradictory | cornered | cowardly | cozy |
crabby | cramped | cranky | crappy | crushed |
cuckoo | cursed | |||
D | ||||
damned | daring | dazed | dead | deceitful |
deceptive | deep | defenseless | defensive | defiant |
deficient | deformed | delicate | depended upon | depleted |
deserted | deserving | desirable | desired | despairing |
despised | despondent | detached | deteriorated | determined |
devastated | devious | devoted | diplomatic | dirtied |
disagreeable | disapproving | disbelieved | disbelieving | disciplined |
disconnected | disgraced | disgraceful | disillusioned | disinterested |
disloyal | disobedient | disoriented | disregarded | disrespectful |
disruptive | distasteful | distrustful | distrusting | dominated |
dopey | double crossed | doubtful | doubting | down and out |
down in the dumps | drowning | dulled | dumped | dumped on |
E | ||||
ecstatic | elated | elderly | empathic | energetic |
energized | enjoyable | enjoyment | enraged | entertained |
envied | erratic | euphoric | evil | exasperated |
exasperating | exceptional | excluded | exhilarated | exposed |
extraordinary | extravagant | |||
F | ||||
fabulous | fake | faulty | favored | fearless |
fidgety | fierce | firm | fit | flattered |
flawed | focused | forgiven | forgiving | forgotten |
foul | frantic | fraudulent | frazzled | fresh |
fulfilled | full of hope | fussy | futile | |
G | ||||
genuine | gifted | giving | glamorous | gloomy |
gratified | grief-stricken | grieving | gross | grossed out |
grouchy | grown up | grumpy | ||
H | ||||
handicapped | handsome | harmed | harmless | hated |
hateful | healed | heartbroken | heavy | helped |
helpless | heroic | hesitant | high | horny |
horrendous | horrified | humiliated | hung up | hungover |
hyper | hyperactive | hysterical | ||
I | ||||
imaginative | immature | impartial | imperfect | impulsive |
in awe of | in the way | in touch | incapable | incoherent |
inconsiderate | inconsistent | incredible | independent | indifferent |
inefficient | infected | inflexible | inhibited | innocent |
insightful | insignificant | insincere | inspired | inspiring |
intense | interfered with | intimate | intimidated | intolerant |
intrigued | intruded upon | invigorated | invincible | involved |
irrational | irrelevant | irresistible | irritable | isolated |
J | ||||
jerked around | jittery | jolly | jolted | joyful |
judged | justified | |||
K | ||||
kept away | kept out | kicked around | kindly | knocked out |
kooky | ||||
L | ||||
lean | lectured to | lifeless | light | listened to |
logical | longing | lovable | ||
M | ||||
malnourished | manic | manipulated | manipulative | manly |
masochistic | maternal | meek | merry | messed up |
mild-mannered | minimized | misbehaved | mischievous | miserly |
misled | mistaken | mistrusted | mocked | modest |
moody | mothered | murderous | mysterious | |
N | ||||
naive | naked | narrow-minded | nauseated | negligent |
neighborly | neurotic | neutral | noisy | nosey |
noticed | numb | nutty | ||
O | ||||
obligated | oblivious | observed | obsessed | obsessive |
obsolete | obstinate | off | offensive | old fashioned |
on edge | oppositional | oppressed | optimistic | out of it |
out of place | outraged | outrageous | over it | overconfident |
overdependent | overjoyed | overloaded | overlooked | overpowered |
oversensitive | overstimulated | overvalued | ||
P | ||||
pained | panicked | panicky | paralyzed | paranoid |
passed by | passionate | passive | peaceful | peculiar |
perplexed | persecuted | persistent | persuaded | perverted |
pessimistic | petty | phobic | picked apart | picky |
pitied | pitiful | plain | playful | pleasurable |
poisoned | poisonous | polite | polluted | pooped |
poor | practical | praised | preached to | precious |
preoccupied | private | privileged | proper | protective |
provocative | provoked | psychotic | pulled apart | pulled in |
pumped up | pure | pushy | put out | put upon |
Q | ||||
qualified | queer | |||
R | ||||
rational | rattled | ready | realistic | rebellious |
receptive | reckless | recognized | recovered | refreshed |
regretful | religious | reluctant | remarkable | reprimanded |
repulsed | rescued | resourceful | respectful | responsible |
restless | restricted | retarded | revengeful | rewarded |
ridiculed | ripped off | robbed | romantic | ruined |
ruthless | ||||
S | ||||
sacrificed | sadistic | sarcastic | scarred | second-rate |
self-centered | self-confident | self-conscious | self-critical | self-destructive |
self-hatred | self-sacrificing | senile | separated | set up |
sexy | shaken up | shamed | shortchanged | shouted out |
shown up | shut down | sickened | significant | silent |
sinful | skeptical | sloppy | sluggish | slutty |
smashed | smothered | snapped at | sneaky | sociable |
social | soft | solid | soothed | sophisticated |
sound | speechless | spiteful | splendid | stable |
stale | startled | steady | stimulated | stingy |
stoned | strained | stranded | strangled | strengthened |
stressed | strict | stuck up | stunned | stunning |
sturdy | stylish | suicidal | superb | superficial |
superstitious | surrendered | swamped | swell | sympathetic |
T | ||||
taken for granted | talkative | tasteless | tasty | thankful |
thoughtful | thoughtless | thrifty | ticked off | timid |
tormented | tortured | touched | touchy | traumatized |
troubled | trusted | trustworthy | truthful | |
U | ||||
unacknowledged | unafraid | uncertain | unconvinced | underestimated |
unfit | unforgiving | unfriendly | unfulfilled | ungrateful |
ungratified | unimportant | unimpressed | uninterested | unique |
unjust | unloved | unmotivated | unneeded | unnerved |
unrecognized | unresponsive | unruly | unsafe | unsettled |
unsteady | unsuspecting | untrusting | unwelcomed | unworthy |
upbeat | uplifted | useful | ||
V | ||||
vague | valued | victimized | violated | vocal |
volatile | vulgar | |||
W | ||||
wasted | weighed down | well-meaning | wicked | wiped out |
withdrawn | witty | worked up | worn down | wronged |
Y | ||||
youthful |